Distracted Driving Increases Number of California Car Accidents

In early 2017, a new driving law went into effect in California in an effort to reduce the number of car accidents caused by distracted driving. This means that if you’re driving in Orange County, you’re no longer able to have your cell phone in your hand — for any reason — making it easier for the police to locate and ticket distracted drivers before they’re involved in an accident. The only way that drivers may now use a cell phone is while behind the wheel is in a way that is completely hands-free.

Distracted Driving in California Causes 80% of Car Accidents

California Office of Traffic Safety studied distracted driving and car accidents in 2016. The exhaustive study showed that 80% of California car accidents happen because of distracted driving. Distracted driving is extremely serious and preventable. Looking away from the road for even two seconds can result in a deadly auto accident.

Examples of distracted driving include:

  • texting and driving
  • filming video and driving
  • eating and driving
  • Driving_Memes-07speeding or driving recklessly

This list is not exhaustive. To determine if the driver who caused your accident was distracted, speak with a lawyer who understands California law.

Involved in a Car Accident with a Distracted Driver? Follow These Steps

If you’re involved in a car accident and you believe that the other driver was distracted, call the police. The police will probably come and take a report and may issue citations related to distracted driving or other issues.

Next, make sure that you exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s).

Document the scene and damage to the vehicles by taking photos and video on your smartphone.

Seek medical care. Even if you don’t believe that you’re seriously injured, make an appointment with your personal doctor or go to urgent care. This is important because you could be hurt and not realize it.

File your claim with the insurance company. Settling a claim can take time. Don’t sign anything that the insurance company sends to you without first speaking with an experienced accident attorney in Orange County — You could be signing away your right to file a lawsuit and recover financial compensation for your injuries.

Call a Qualified California Car Accident Attorney

Call a qualified Orange County car accident attorney right away. Your lawyer can reach out to the other driver on your behalf, as well as the insurance company. Working with a proven accident attorney is the best way to ensure that your claim is handled fairly and you get what you legally and rightfully deserve.

For more information on what to do after being injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, contact the aggressive Orange County accident attorneys at Dennis Law Group today.
